Two fundamental beliefs shape our approach to innovation:
1. True value comes from the translation of consumer insights.
Knowing about the needs of your consumer is one thing. Turning that knowledge into valuable new products and services that the company can deliver is another. Companies need to ensure their approach to translation is effective and systematic.
2. The team is the key to the generation and delivery of innovation.
Processes and templates play their part but they do not come up with game-changing ideas, they rarely excite people and they certainly don’t solve problems.
These beliefs led to the name groundworks innovation as so much of innovation is about getting these fundamentals right. We use dandelion imagery, not just to continue the earthy theme, but also to represent how with just a gentle nudge, good ideas spread and take on a life of their own. We like to think we help people come up with those good ideas, the ones that will stick and grow.